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Marketing Essentials
Project Management

Q1 - Define a project, its
characteristics and the role of
the project manager.
Q2 - Justify the application of
the theoretical frameworks and
methodologies within a project
Q3 - Critically evaluate the
composition and management
pf teams in a project
Assignment Brief
Q1 - Define a project, its
characteristics and the role of
the project manager.
Q2 - Justify the application of
the theoretical frameworks and
methodologies within a project
Q3 - Critically evaluate the
composition and management
pf teams in a project
Assignment Brief
Assignment Brief Template 1
Project Management - What is Project Management
Agile Project Management - YouTube
Traditional Vs Agile - YouTube
Agile Vs Waterfall - YouTube
Managing People - YouTube
Week 1 - Slides
Week 2 - Slides
Week 3 - Slides
Q4 - Formulate a Project
Management Plan
Q5 - Appraise measures to
control and monitor project
risk, quality, change and
Q6 - Evaluate project success
and failure amd disseminate
the key learning points from
the delivery of the project.
Week 4 - Slides
Week 5 - Slides
Week 6 - Slides
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