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LO1 Understand the main
characteristics, challenges
and opportunities of
international markets and
strategies available to
Week 1 - YouTube Links
Week 2 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - Pestle
YouTube Link2 - SWOT
Week 3 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - Cultural Differences
Week 4 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - Porters 5 Forces & Porters Diamond model
YouTube Link 2 - Porter Generic Model
YouTube Link 3 - Positioning
Week 5 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - Mission/Vision
YouTube Link 2 - ConsumerBehaviour
LO2 Use case studies and
theoretical principles to
analyze and evaluate real
world business problems and
develop an ability to make
effective business decisions
LO3 Reflect on your learning experience and contribution to an International Business project
Week 6 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - Global vs Local
Week 7 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - 4P's
YouTube Link2 - Structure
Week 8 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - Disinvestment
YouTube Link 2 - Implementation
Week 9 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - Resources
YouTube Link 2 - Projects
Week 10 - YouTube Links
YouTube Link 1 - Kolbs Learning
Basics and Background S01 -Globalisation
Importance and Impact - SO2
Economic Integration & Integration SO3
Economic Environment facing Business SO4
Theories of International Trade SO5
Governmental Influence SO6
Strategy for International Business SO7
Entry Strategies SO8/9
Global Marketing & R&D
Assignment Brief
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